Notification Rule Detail

On this page you can edit existing notification rule details for parts and inventory. You are also navigated to this page when you click Create new rule on the Notifications page.

You can configure the following:

  • Name: The name of the notification rule
  • Company: The company to which the notification is sent; only appears for admins

  • Status: Determines whether the rule is active or inactive

  • Email notification: Determines whether the notification is sent via email; if Yes, the Email Distribution List field appears for you to add email recipients for the notification

  • Alert trigger: Determines the event in the parts and inventory life cycle that triggers the notification; different options appear on the page depending on your selection

    • Part request status updates: The notification is sent when the status of the part request changes; if selected, you can then select the Request Status that will trigger the notification (1st level approval, 2nd level approval, in progress, rejected, and so on)

    • Part status updates: The notification is sent when the fulfillment status of an approved request changes; if selected, you can then select the Request Status that will trigger the notification (delivered, picked, received/receipted, reserved, or shipped)

  • Notification Message: The notification content that is sent when triggered

Rule builder

The Rule builder sets the criteria which, when met by a part request, triggers a notification. You can have multiple entries for each rule.

  1. Click the plus sign button.

  2. Select a Criteria Value from the menu that appears. Options can include:

    • Asset Category

    • Part

    • Site Attribute

    • Site Type

    • Min/Max Base Sale Price Total

    • Min/Max Quantity

  3. Click Search (magnifying glass button).

  4. Select the names, codes, or values from within the Criteria Value to add as Saved Values.

    You can select any or all of the items configured for the Criteria Value, such as particular parts if you select Partfor the Criteria Value

  5. Click Select.

    Your selections appear as Saved Values for the Criteria Value. When a part request matches your selections, the rule sends the notification.

  6. Save the rule.